Purchase or replace a vehicle permit
Daily Permit - $7 per day
Annual Permit - $30 per year, Permit expires the last day of the month.
The annual permit is honored at all Anoka County regional parks as well as regional parks in Washington County. All motorized vehicles are required to purchase a vehicle entry permit to the regional parks. Entry permits are available year round at the Bunker Hills Activities Center and Wargo Nature Center and seasonally at park gatehouses and visitor centers. A reduced rate is available when purchasing a second or third permit at the time of purchasing the initial permit. Please ask your Guest Services Representative for more information.
A reduced rate of $5 for a daily permit or $25 for an annual permit is available for individuals with disabilities.
Vehicle Permits are required for the following parks:
Bunker Hills Regional Park, Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park. Lake George Regional Park, Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve and Rum River Central Regional Park
On the second Tuesday of each month, vehicle entry fees will be waived so you can enjoy access to the parks.
Replacement Permits
Replacement permits will only be issued if the actual permit is presented. It must be identifiable as a current permit, display the month it expires, and contain at least part of the permit number. If these conditions are all met, a free replacement permit that expires the same month as the existing permit will be given.
Missing vehicle permits or vehicle permits damaged too badly to meet the above conditions will need to be re-purchased at full price.
Replacement permits can only be issued at the Parks Office in the Bunker Hills Activities Center.
Veteran Discount
In an effort to recognize the service of all veterans, the Parks Department offers a discounted rate of $10 off an annual permit and $2 off a daily entry permit. In order to receive the discounted rate, veterans will need to present one of the following documents at a gatehouse or visitor center (seasonal availability) or year round at the Bunker Hills Activities Center, Parks Office:
DD214 form
Veteran’s ID Card
For more information or questions, call 763-324-3300.
Active Duty, Purple Heart or Disabled Veteran
Free daily/annual permits will be granted under the following guidelines:
Active duty military personnel
Any veteran with any level of service-connected disability
Purple Heart recipient
To receive your free annual permit, visit the Parks Office or Bunker Hills Campground Visitor Center to document the number of passes distributed and present one of the following forms of ID:
Military duty forms or military ID Card
DD214 form
Veteran’s ID Card
A copy of your determination letter or Veterans Affairs Healthcare I.D. indicating a service- connected disability and a photo ID
One free permit will be issued per 12 months.